Zilele Orasului – Deschiderea oficiala – GALERIE FOTO
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Primăria Negreşti Oaş
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Cel mai așteptat eveniment al Festivalului „Zestrea Oașului” – Zilele Orașului – ediția XXIII – se va desfășura în zilele de 18 – 20 august. Evenimentul va debuta vineri seara,…
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
ORAȘUL NEGREȘTI-OAȘ, cu sediul în orașul Negrești-Oaș, str. Victoriei nr.95-97, anunță publicul interesat asupra luării deciziei etapei de încadrare revizuite/actualizate pentru proiectul: ”Dezvoltarea rețelelor inteligente de distribuție a gazelor naturale…
Dragi copii, de acasă și din diaspora, vă invităm și în acest an la o călătorie în Țara Oașului autentică.Pe copiii din Diaspora îi vom ține aproape de istoria, cultura…
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www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
Încheiat astăzi, 24.03.2023, cu ocazia soluționării contestației depuse de către candidata identificată cu nr. de dosar 7089/14.03.2023 – contestația nr. 8217/23.03.2023, ora 1245, participantă la concursul de recrutare organizat pentru…
Nr. crt. Nr de înregistrare al dosarului de înscriere la concurs Punctaj Final Rezultat 1. Nr.6847/13.03.2023 61,38 puncte ADMIS Candidaţii declaraţi admişi vor susţine interviul în data de 27 martie…
Nr. crt. Nr de înregistrare al dosarului de înscriere la concurs Punctaj Final Rezultat 1 Nr.6920/13.03.2023 60,25 puncte ADMIS 2 Nr.6798/10.03.2023 57,25 puncte ADMIS 3 Nr.7066/14.03.2023 51 puncte ADMIS 4…
Odată cu sosirea primăverii, Negreștiul se îmbracă în straie alese, celebrând sărbătoarea artelor plastice – Art Bunavestire. Ediția cu numărul XXXVII este una diferită, având în vedere dinamica schimbătoare a…
Funcția contractuală: Asistent medical, studii PL, grad profesional debutant – Direcția Asistență Socială – Compartiment asistență medicală școlară Nr. crt. Nr de înregistrare al dosarului de înscriere la concurs Rezultatul…
Nr.7473/16.03.2023 PRIMĂRIA ORAȘULUI NEGREȘTI-OAȘ JUDEŢUL SATU MARE Proces verbal de afișare a rezultatului analizării dosarelor candidaţilor înscrişi la concursul de recrutare pentru ocuparea unei funcții publice de execuție vacante organizat…
Agenția pentru Protectia Mediului Satu Mare, anunță publicul interesat că Planul de Urbanism Zonal ”ZONA TURISTICA LUNA SES„ având ca titular UAT ORAȘUL NEGREȘTI-OAȘ, cu sediul în Negrești-Oaș, str. Victoriei…
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
www.negresti-oas.ro is protected by Imunify360 We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website. Please confirm that you are not a robot Source
Primăria orașului Negrești Oaș organizează concurs pentru ocuparea a două posturi vacante, pe perioadă determinată – posturi în regim contractual – cu respectarea prevederilor HG nr.1336/2022 respectiv: În cadrul Direcției…
Nr.304/05.01.2023 PRIMĂRIA ORAȘULUI NEGREȘTI OAȘ JUDEŢUL SATU MARE Proces verbal de afișare a rezultatului analizării dosarelor candidaţilor înscrişi la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 13 ianuarie 2023 pentru…