Getting Token Metadata with Metaplex and Token2022

In Solana, getting metadata for a specific token can be a bit tricky. However, using the Metaplex extension or the Token2022 API provides a reliable way to retrieve this information. In this article, we will learn how to use these tools together to get the metadata of any token on the Solana network.


Before you continue, make sure you have installed the required dependencies:

npm install @solana/web3.js @metaplex-js/token2022


yarn add @solana/web3.js @metaplex-js/token2022

The Script: Getting Token Metadata

Below is a sample script that shows how to use the Metaplex extension and the Token2022 API to get the token metadata.

import { Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';

import { getTokenMetadata } from '@metaplex-js/token2022';

async function getTokenMetadata(tokenId: string) {

// Create a connection to the Solana network

const connection = new Connection();

try {

// Retrieve token metadata using the Token2022 API

const metadata = await getTokenMetadata(connection, tokenId);

return metadata;

} catch (error) {


return null;



// Example usage

getTokenMetadata('SANDX-USD').then((metadata) => {

if (metadata !== null) {


} else {

console.log("No token metadata found for SANDX-USD");



How ​​​it works

Solana: Get metadata for any token

The getTokenMetadata function takes a unique identifier (tokenId) as an argument. It creates a connection to the Solana network using @solana/web3.js. Then, it uses the Token2022 API to retrieve the metadata for the specified token.

Here’s what happens under the hood:

  • The getTokenMetadata function sends a GET request to the Token2022 API endpoint with the tokenId as the query parameter.
  • The response contains the token metadata, which is then returned by the function.

Note: Make sure you replace 'SANDX-USD' with the actual ID of the token you want to retrieve the metadata for.


Getting token metadata using Metaplex and Token2022 provides a reliable way to get this information on the Solana network. By following the script above, you can easily retrieve the metadata of any token by providing its unique identifier. Remember to replace the “tokenId” with the actual ID of the token for which you want to retrieve the metadata.


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