Crypto Marketlelle: Elrond (EGLD) and Polygon (Pol)

The encryption market has been in a roller coaster in recent times, and prices fluctuate greatly between days and weeks. In this article, we will analyze more closely two of the most promising projects in space: Elrond (EGLD) and Polygon (Pol).


As one of the largest intelligent contract platforms in the Ethereum Network, Elrond is ready to revolutionize the way we think about scalability. Released in 2017, Elrond Blockchain allows developers to create custom contracts and modifiers that can be implemented in any node compatible with Ethereum. This makes it an ideal platform to build complex applications and services.

One of Elrond’s key benefits is its ability to handle high volumes of scale transactions. With a robust set of tools and technologies instead, the Elrond network can process transactions up to 100 times faster than the traditional Ethereum. This has significant implications for industries such as finance, games and even medical care.

Elrond also has an impressive adoption history. As one of the first important projects in Ethereum, he has already won a loyal follow -up among developers and companies that seek to create scalable solutions. In addition, the Elrond association with several important companies, including Microsoft and Google, has further solidified its position as a leading player in space.

Polygon (Pol)

Polygon, also known as Polkadot, is another innovative project that is giving attention to the cryptographic market. Released in 2020, Polygon is a side chain network that allows perfect interactions between different blockchain platforms. This allows developers to create applications in multiple blockchains without having to rewrite the code or migrate their assets.

One of Polygon’s key features is its ability to provide a high latency latency solution for data transfer and asset exchange. This makes it an ideal platform for decentralized finance applications (DEFI), which are becoming increasingly popular in the encryption market.

Polygon’s scalability solution, called Kollaborator, allows developers to build applications at the top of the polygon without having to worry about climbing outwards to other block chains. In addition, the Polygon government model ensures that the project remains promoted by the community and transparent, promoting a sense of property and cooperation among its interested parties.

ELRAND comparison (EGLD) and POLYGON (POL)

While both Elrond and Polygon are exciting projects with significant potential, they have different strengths and weaknesses. Here is a brief comparison:

* Scalability : Both Elrond and Polygon have impressive scalability abilities, but Elrond is usually considered more scalable.

* Case of use

Fundamental Analysis, Elrond (EGLD), Polygon (POL)

: While both platforms can withstand complex applications, ELRAND has a broader range of use cases, including decentralized finances (defi), games and even voting systems.

* Governance Model : Both projects have community -driven government models, but Polygon’s model is currently more decentralized, with a greater emphasis on tokens holders.


Both Elrond (EGLD) and Polygon (POL) are promising projects in the cryptography market, each with its own unique strengths and advantages. As space continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how these projects develop and grow. Whether it is an experienced investor or simply begins, understanding the foundations of blockchain technology and the current market state is crucial to make informed decisions.


If you are interested in investing in Elrond (EGLD), consider diversifying your portfolio with a combination of projects established such as Polygon (POL) and more innovative platforms such as Binance Smart Chain.

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