Ethereum: Using ABigen with Combined-JSON Option Generates Nothing

As a developer working on Ethereum-related projects, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues when trying to generate Go bindings using ABigen. In this article, we’ll delve into the problem and explore possible solutions.

The Issue:

Ethereum: Using abigen with combined-json option generates nothing

You’ve encountered an unexpected behavior when attempting to use the abigen command with the combined-JSON option:

abigen --combined-json UniswapV2PriceOracle.json --pkg abi --type UniswapV2 --out UniswapV2.go

As expected, you didn’t encounter any error messages. However, the generated Go file doesn’t contain the expected structure.

The Solution:

To resolve this issue, let’s first understand what happens when we use abigen with combined-JSON:

  • The combined-json option tells ABigen to generate a JSON object that combines all the files specified in the input directory.
  • When combined-JSON is used, the generated file will contain references to the individual files instead of actual code.

Why it Happens:

In your case, you’re using the following command:

abigen --combined-json UniswapV2PriceOracle.json --pkg abi --type UniswapV2 --out UniswapV2.go

The UniswapV2PriceOracle.json file is being passed as input to ABigen, but it’s not actually being processed by the command. Instead, a JSON object containing references to this file will be generated.

How to Fix:

To fix this issue, you need to ensure that the output directory contains actual Go files instead of just references to other files. Here are a few potential solutions:

  • Move UniswapV2PriceOracle.json to the same directory as your main project:

If your project is structured in the following way:




You can move UniswapV2PriceOracle.json into the same directory as your main.go file:

abigen UniswapV2PriceOracle.json --pkg abi --type UniswapV2 --out main.go

  • Use a different output directory:

If you need to keep your project organized, you can specify an output directory for the generated Go files:

abigen --combined-json /path/to/output/directory/ UniswapV2PriceOracle.json --pkg abi --type UniswapV2 --out main.go

  • Use ABigen with a different input option:

Instead of using combined-json, you can try specifying the -target option to tell ABigen which type of output to generate:

abigen -target go --pkg abi --type UniswapV2 UniswapV2PriceOracle.json

In this case, the generated Go file will contain a single UniswapV2.go file with no references.


To resolve the issue of generating nothing when using ABigen with combined-JSON, ensure that the output directory contains actual Go files instead of just references to other files. You can fix this by moving UniswapV2PriceOracle.json to the same directory as your main project or using a different output directory.

By following these steps, you should be able to generate working Go bindings for your Ethereum projects.

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